Reinforcement Learning and Planning for Large-Scale Systems


The team members have established international collaborations with the following labs and researchers:
  • Research Center for Automatic Control Nancy, France: Constantin Morarescu, Romain Postoyan, Jamal Daafouz.
  • SequeL team, INRIA Lille-Nord Europe, France: Remi Munos, Raphael Fonteneau.
  • Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands: Robert Babuska, Bart De Schutter.
  • University of Melbourne: Dragan Nesic.
  • Robotics Lab, Bern University of Applied Sciences: Bjoern Jensen.
  • University of Zagreb, Croatia: Ivana Palunko and Domagoj Tolic.
  • Advanced Robotics department at the Italian Institute of Technology: Petar Kormushev (now at Imperial College, UK).

Researcher exchanges

  • Jun 2016: Ivana Palunko and Domagoj Tolic, from the University of Zagreb, visit the Automation Department in Cluj, to establish a collaboration plan.
  • Jun 2015: Team member Elod Pall visits the CRNS department of the University of Plymouth, UK to give a talk on his work.
  • Oct 2014: Team member Elod Pall visits the University of Valenciennes, France to work on applied robotics with Sebastien Delprat.
  • May 2014: Lucian Busoniu visits the Microsoft Research Center New England in order to work with Remi Munos who was a visiting scientist there at the time.
  • Feb, Sept 2014: Lucian Busoniu visits the Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy, France to work on applications to nonlinear control.
  • Oct 2013-Sept 2014: Team member Levente Tamas has a postdoc stay at the Bern University of Applied Sciences.
  • Oct-Dec 2013: Thijs Wensveen, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, visits Cluj to work on real-time planning.
  • Aug-Sept 2013: Team member Koppany Mathe visits the Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy, France to work on a method for accelerating planning in a class of optimal control problems.
  • June-July, Aug-Sept 2013: Lucian Busoniu visits the Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy, France to work on planning for networked systems.